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The Science Behind Green Chemistry: Shaping A Greener Future for Mosquito Control


绿色化学 随着企业和新成立的监管实体(如环境保护局)寻求更好地了解和尽量减少化学过程对环境和人类健康的影响,与污染预防倡议一起出现. 绿色化学 expands upon regulatory efforts, 敦促化学家和工程师设计化学品和工艺,尽量减少毒性和浪费.

乐虎网, utilizing the principles of green chemistry isn’t just about compliance; it’s about fundamentally altering how we approach chemical formulation and engineering to protect both human health and the environment. 我们将其视为对创新和进步的呼吁——创造经济上可行的蚊虫控制解决方案, environmentally sustainable, and socially responsible.

The Principles of Green Chemistry and Applying them to Mosquito Control Product Development

绿色化学 redefines how we conceive chemical products and processes, prioritizing sustainability and safety. The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry serve to guide developers in ways that minimize waste, 毒性, and energy consumption. From preventing waste generation to designing chemicals that degrade harmlessly after use, 这些原则概括了可持续化学设计和工程的综合框架.

In this next portion, 我们将深入探讨与蚊子控制产品开发相关的12条绿色化学原则中的8条.

防止浪费: 绿色化学 advocates for designing chemical products that prevent waste generation, minimizing the need for treatment or cleanup.

In mosquito control, 这一原则强调了设计具有最小环境足迹的配方的重要性.

Choose Safer Chemicals and Design Safer 产品绿色化学还必须在化学产品的设计中保持有效性和最小化毒性之间的平衡. 除了化学之外,化学设计师还必须了解毒理学和环境科学,并且能够从分子水平开始使用这三者.

Use Safer Solvents: Choosing safer 溶剂 contributes to reducing environmental impact and human health risks. In mosquito control, 该原则指导选择应用方法和载体,以最大限度地减少溶剂的使用和潜在的危害.

In mosquito control, this involves formulating products using ingredients, 溶剂, and more that selectively target mosquitoes while posing minimal risks to humans, 动物, and the environment.

Solvents in beakers - one of the green chemistry principles

Increase Energy Efficiency提高能源效率是指减少与化学过程相关的能源消耗,从而减少所需能源对环境的影响.

Use Renewable Feedstocks:使用可再生原料-而不是不可再生能源,如化石燃料, 煤炭, 石油, and more – in chemical processes helps reduce reliance on finite resources.

Choose Chemicals and Design 产品 to Degrade After Use选择化学品和设计产品,使其在使用后降解为无害物质,有助于减少环境持久性和积累.

In mosquito control, 这些原则鼓励使用天然衍生的活性成分,利用生物或可持续的环境过程来提高功效并减少对环境的影响.

Solvents and ingredients in a beaker - one of the green chemistry principles

Analyze in Real Time to Prevent Pollution:化工产品生产过程中的实时监测和控制有助于识别和减轻潜在的环境风险. This includes in-process, real-time monitoring, and control during production to minimize or eliminate the formation of byproducts.

Minimize the Potential for Accidents:选择化学品和设计产品,尽量减少爆炸时发生化学事故的可能性, 火灾, 并释放到环境中,其实际使用有助于确保工人安全和环境保护.

Bringing Green Chemistry to Mosquito Control


乐虎网为公共卫生防蚊市场带来的新产品100%是按照与产品开发相关的绿色化学原则设计的. 这是我们近20年前开始的工作,当时我们开始开发我们的第一款下一代产品, Natular杀幼虫剂.

今天, this portfolio includes:

  • Natular: Derived from the natural bacterium, Qalcova brand spinosad, 自然提供了有效的杀幼虫作用,对环境的影响最小,并已被美国认可.S. EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award.
  • 长节: An OMRI Listed adulticide for sustainable mosquito control in organic agriculture. Its active ingredient is natural pyrethrins, a botanical insecticide, and it contains no added chemical synergists.
  • 蓝天曰本丰田与其他可用的太空喷雾剂相比,蓝天曰本丰田在发射时减少了对环境的影响. 蓝天曰本丰田中活性成分的低剂量率进一步降低了该产品的环境风险.
  • 二重唱: The two active ingredients in 二重唱 are IRAC Class 3A synthetic pyrethroids, Sumithrin© and prallethrin, available exclusively to 乐虎网 for public health mosquito control products. Like all synthetic pyrethroids, these actives emulate the naturally derived, botanical insecticides, 被称为除虫菊酯, found in chrysanthemum flowers.

Mosquito Control is a Matter of Public Health

Need help configuring your mosquito control strategy? 乐虎网 is here to assist.
